Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kennedy's Body Sold for Healthcare Tour

WASHINGTON, D.C. - SEIU President Andy Stern has purchased the corpse of Ted Kennedy for an undisclosed sum. "He's not going anywhere," laughed Stern. The late senator will be stuffed and mounted on the front of a 'healthcare bus,' that will tour America, rallying people behind universal coverage. "We got a taxidermist that used to work on elephant seals. He'll make Senator Kennedy look just fine - except for the black marble eyes." Stern and the SEIU intend standing behind the deceased senator all across the nation, at scenic overlooks and interstate coffee shops. "We want what Ted Kennedy wanted," added Stern. "Girls, booze and power without accountability. Oh yeah, and health care for all outside government. And girls." (Photo:


Unknown said...

Before this 'bus tour' goes down, do us a solid and sign the card for Kennedy's family:

Ling Carter said...

Kennedy's love the working class.

The working class operates the tow trucks that pull their cars out of the water.
