Saturday, October 31, 2009
Zombies Face Brain Tax

Government 2009,
Medicine 2009,
Popular Culture
Fans Forbidden to Live in Wrigley Field

Friday, October 30, 2009
Vegas Family Wins Des Moines Weekend

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jar of Beans Will Determine Afghan Strategy

Foreign Affairs,
Government 2009,
Islamic Terror
Vegan Council Okays Bacon Bits

New Age,
Popular Culture
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Obama and Tiger Woods Plan Job Swap

Islamic Terror,
Politics 2009,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Airline Denies Off-Course Pilots Played Warcraft

Government 2009,
Monday, October 26, 2009
Public Option Now Called 'Beer'

Medicine 2009,
Politics 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Baby Barack Doll In Stores For Christmas

Politics 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Festive Motorcade Planned for International Day of Climate Action

1. Leave on all lights in your house or apartment, showing the community you are 'enlightened' as to sustainable energy use.
2. Gather up all loose papers and magazines from around your home and burn them in the fireplace or barbecue.
3. Tear out any crops you may be growing and put in a sprinkler system and a lawn. Employing gardeners who are close to the Earth is a way we can show planetary appreciation.
4. Replace parks and green spaces with cemeteries and golf courses. Trees are one of the largest producers of deadly carbon dioxide gas. Cemeteries produce only quiet, and, except for occasional sobbing, reduce noise pollution.
5. Eat green by replacing meat in your diet with breakfast cereals. Cereals are plant-centered foods that help reduce health risks. So instead of steak, try Frosted Flakes and potatoes. Or instead of a hamburger, order Count Chocula with your fries. You'll feel better and so will the globe.
(Photo: rami.khanna.googlepages.com)
Energy and Global Warming 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Polka Stars Demand Gitmo Investigation

Islamic Terror,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Stephen King Crafts New Villain: A Crazed Christian

American Letters,
Popular Culture
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sudan Policy Introduces Genocide Coupons

Foreign Affairs,
Islamic Terror,
Politics 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
'New Improved Secrets' Reveals Truth Behind Reality

Sunday, October 18, 2009
'CSI: Lapland' Airs in Sweeps

While visiting a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the team discovers someone has filled a cranberry bog with Mr. Bubble.
Suspects abound at a youth festival as the team searches for whoever poisoned an unpopular lute player.
A Lap TV host is found strangled in his luxury sleigh with cod intestines and suspicion points to a disgruntled ice fisherman.
(Photo: santa.sc)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Official Admits Urugauy and Paraguay Ficticious Countries

Foreign Affairs,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Richard Dawkins Opens Grief Counseling Service

Book Review: 'The Thistle In My Father's Pants'

INI: What is 'Thistle' about?
TOTTER: Everything important: family, global warming, being invited to parties where people say words like 'verisimilitude' and 'parameters.'
INI: Why didn't the protagonist, Thom Cakery, stop his grandfather from drinking Sterno then jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge onto a whale watching cruise?
TOTTER: Because he lacked self-esteem . . . and they were out of Crown Royal.
INI: Thom is clearly in love with Ginger Limekiln. And yet he accuses her of eating seal meat and gets her expelled from Greenpeace.
TOTTER: Ginger was politically aware and knew defending herself against a false charge would only give ammunition to the hate-filled. Tragic. I knew a county supervisor like that.
INI: He was falsely accused?
TOTTER: No, he ate seal meat; at work; keeping it in his desk where it leaked blubber over important departmental memos.
INI: The first eighteen pages of your book are mostly blank, containing only a single phrase: 'Be my chum.' Critics are divided on the meaning: some believe it indicts a racist-sexist power structure that forces meaning into literature, while others feel it's stupid, silly page filler. Any comment?
TOTTER: It was either a clever choice or a mistake. I forget.
INI: You dedicate the book to activist Crispin Fezleiter. Who is he?
TOTTER: Crispin taught me everything I know about literature. He said, 'Whatever slop you write, dedicate it to the planet. You'll get away with murder.' He was right.
(Photo: wendyusuallywanders...)
American Letters,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Howard Dean Sausages Linked to Rage in Lab Mice

Politics 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
CGI Hotel Fools Nerds

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Four computer professionals were injured after mistaking a CGI hotel for a real one and stepping onto a freeway. One of the injured, Adam Punctell, explained: "We thought we were walking into the lobby of a Quality Inn for a conference on disposable imaging and suddenly we're in the right lane of the 101. But the graphics were awesome! It was worth eight broken bones." Not everyone is pleased by the public appearance of computer graphics interface. Said Mountain View Police Officer Duane Montoya, "These damn nerds are getting worse. They've set up CGI stop signs, rest rooms, and methadone clinics. I'm fed up." Montoya has attempted prosecuting nerds for creating a public nuisance, but every arrest was dismissed by a CGI court official. "These people on the freeway were nerds, too," complained Montoya. "If they can fool their own kind, what hope do normal people have?" Montoya vows to continue the fight. "We've gotta get 'em away from keyboards. Maybe offer 'em a chance to touch a girl on the shoulder? Hell, they probably make their own women on a computer, then grab themselves in an improper manner. I don't know for sure. But it seems likely." (Photo: faculty.cs.tamu.edu)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mayan Calender Featured Carvings of Pretty Girls

Monday, October 12, 2009
NASA Crash Vehicle Filled with Turtles

Government 2009,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
America's Least Visited National Parks

1. Oops Falls, California
Moisture slick rocks stamp this scenic waterfall a sure-fire bet for anyone looking to slip and plummet to death. A recent lawsuit forced the government to make the area handicap-accessible, so wheelchair-bound visitors will no longer be denied access to a watery end.
2. Devil Bum National Monument, Utah
Awesome wind-carved rocks are also home to a savage band of tramps known for robbing and mauling tourists.
3. Long Sleep Volcanic Flats, Hawaii
Like the lyrical Hotel California, you can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave. Poisonous gases see to that.
4. Quicksand Caverns, Georgia
The caverns are dark and full of quicksand. But travelers who survive often return with hats and other light accessories found floating atop the quagmire that prove quite serviceable after rinsing.
5. Rabid Chipmunk Ravine, Pennsylvania
The chipmunks are cute, but diseased. One bite will have you foaming more than a man gargling Alka-Seltzer. Shoot them and win points toward merchandise in the ranger station gift shop. (Photo: Kevin Adams)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Predatory Lenders Kill Livestock

Friday, October 9, 2009
Academy Awards Open To Waiters and Car Parkers

Thursday, October 8, 2009
KFC Lard Brick New Green Snack

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Michelle Fills White House with Bicep Paintings

Government 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Paramount Plans 2011 Release for 'Etch-a-Sketch'

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Chawk3 Dominates Sports Blog Comments

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